Submitting your application is the first step in applying for a food, product, service or information booth at the annual Kingston 4th of July Celebration. Please review the schedule and requirements in the attachment. Click on this link for all of the details about the venues and events:  Vendor Document w/ Hold Harmless

Please answer all of the questions in the application. If you need a double booth, please fill out two forms. (Note: Applying for the event does not give immediate approval.)

Registration Options

  • July 4 (1PM to 9PM)
    Must set up before 11am due to road closures for parade. You must have food handler card(s) as well as proper licenses and insurance.

  • July 4 (10AM-5PM)
    Must set up the night before after 5pm, or by 8am on the 4th. Over night security provided. Must remain on site until 5pm even if you run out of product early.You must have food handler card(s) (if applicable) as well as proper licenses and insurance.

  • July 4 (10AM-5PM) Must be set up the night before after 5pm or by 8am on the 4th.
    Federal EIN Number Required
    You must have food handler card(s) (if applicable) as well as proper licenses and insurance.

  • July 4 (1PM to 9PM)
    Must set up before 11am due to road closures for parade. You must have food handler card(s) as well as proper licenses and insurance.

  • July 4 (1PM to 9PM)
    Must set up before 11am due to road closures for parade. You must have food handler card(s) as well as proper licenses and insurance.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software